Capture Your Lover's Heart - Connect to Your Lover's Emotions

Are you dreaming of capturing his heart, but you aren't sure where you should begin? Does it seem like every move you make just ends in failed romances that barely get off the ground? Do you need help figuring out what men want and how you can give it? This article will be an eye opener filled with useful information.

It can get complicated when you get out there on the dating front and want to have more than just a sexual tryst. Some women have trouble moving from the seductress for a night mode to lovable intelligent woman for life. But it's important to put the seductress on hold and show the guy that you actually have a lot more to offer than erotica.

Start out with a nice, slow and healthy pace that will simply allow you to get to know one another. This can be a fun conversation over a few beers or quaint afternoon chatter over coffee. Regardless of the venue, you simply want to have fun and let him see the kind of person you really are.

During this, understand that he wants to tell you about himself and he wants what he tells you to impress you. So don't let yourself get into a battle of wits with him and start to complain or criticize if he errs. Keep it fun.

If he feels he can really open up to you, the emotional bond that grows will bring you closer and closer together. However you don't want to rush this process. You should really enjoy this time when you're slowly learning everything about him. This is the time for the excitement and thrills of a new romance.

Even if you're already feeling the love in your heart and you know that he's the perfect man for you, don't let it show too much. Sure you can be affectionate and show him a good amount of interest, but don't bring up love. You want his emotions to have the time to grow without your insistence.

Some men can be a little slow in connecting to their emotions and it could be that falling in love with you came rather unexpectedly. Here he is having fun with you, discovering the great woman you are and suddenly his heart is flipping every time he sees you. Give him time to come to terms will all these new emotions and the love will come.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you?