Meeting Singles

You've probably tried it. Meeting singles, that is. Not Fruitful? Frustrating, you say? Well, time to assess why. Are you presenting yourself right? Here's how... 
Be Confident
People are attracted to those who feel good about themselves and appear confident. If you feel desirable and sexy, it makes sense that others will too. If low self-esteem is your problem, work on it. When you treat yourself with respect, you foster a healthy sense of self.
Be Yourself
Never try to to be someone you aren't. Not only will you seem insincere but will make others edgy too. Trying to be cool and aggressive just makes you awkward and unapproachable. Relax, be natural, be the 'you' that others appreciate.
Be Cheerful
Ever encountered sullen, negative, unapproachable strangers? A smile can change all that. Keep your expression open and inviting. Make good eye contact. You will draw people. Let that attractive stranger know you are open to meeting her. If she responds, the ice is already broken!
Be The Best You Can
Always groom and clothe yourself well. Attractiveness is not about beautiful features or a fabulous body; it's about presenting what you have in the best light possible. this includes an attractive personality. Be friendly, not pushy. Be open, not indiscreet. Be intelligent, not a know-it-all.
Be Smart
Have some great ice-breakers ready. (Hint: Natural conversation is the best)
Be Enterprising
There is no rules any more about who moves first. See someone interesting? Go ahead! If they don't reciprocate, move away gracefully. Rejection is an ever present risk. If you let that fear hinder you, you will greatly harm your chances of connecting with compatible singles.
Closing Words
Keep your dependence and independence in balance. Tell and show your partner how much you need him or her. But never cling - that can make your partner feel trapped.